20.64.180             DENSITY OF DEVELOPMENT.

A.            Purpose:  The purpose of this Section is to provide a mechanism to calculate the maximum residential development allowed in accordance to an established formula to determine land use densities.

B.            Applicability:

The provisions of this section shall apply to all zoning districts which allow for any residential uses, unless otherwise specified.

C.            Regulations:

1.         The following slope density formula shall be used in the calculation of maximum possible density for individual parcels based upon slope:

a. Those portions of parcels with a cross-slope of between 0 and 19.9 percent shall be assigned a density of 1 building site per 1 acre.

b. Those portions of parcels with a cross-slope of between 20 and 29.9 percent shall be assigned a density of 1 building site per each 2 acres.

c. Those portions of parcels with a cross-slope of 30 percent or greater shall be assigned 0 building sites.

d. The density for a particular parcel shall be computed by determining the cross-slope of the various portions of the lot applying the assigned densities listed above according to the percent of cross-slope and by adding the densities derived from this process.  The maximum density derived by the procedure shall be used as one of the factors in the final determination of the actual density that shall be allowed on a parcel.

e. The slope density formula does not apply to the “HDR(CZ)” or “MDR(CZ)” zoning districts.

2.         Where an entire parcel would not be developable because of plan policies, one residential unit may be permitted pursuant to Section 20.02.060.B of this Title.

3.         Any decrease in density resulting from application of Land Use Plan policies shall be subtracted from the maximum density allowable under the slope density formula.

4.         In instances where a parcel includes more than 1 zoning district or plan designation, the maximum density shall be calculated for the respective zoning districts or plan designation.  The sum of the calculations shall be the maximum number of units allowed by zoning or plan designation.

5.         If the slope density formula renders a maximum density greater than the maximum density allowable under the Land Use Plan, the density established by Land Use Plan shall prevail over the slope density formula.

6.         If the slope density formula renders a maximum density less than that maximum density allowable under the Land Use Plan, the density established by the slope density formula shall prevail over the Land Use Plan density.

7.         If the maximum allowable density established pursuant to subsection 5 or 6 above exceeds the maximum allowed by zoning, the maximum allowed by zoning shall prevail.

8.         Lot line adjustments shall be exempt from the criteria for maximum allowable residential density on a parcel, provided that no net increase in the number of residential lots will result.

9.         In the Big Sur Planning Area east of Highway 1, residential development in "RDR" (Rural Density Residential) and "WSC" (Watershed and Scenic Conservation) zoning districts shall be allowed at maximum densities established according to the following steps:

a. The maximum density is established by the zoning district in which the parcel lies, e.g., "Watershed and Scenic Conservation/40 (CZ)" provides a 40 acre minimum building site.

b. The maximum density is established according to the slope density analysis required for the project according to Section 20.64.180.C.10.

c. The development standards of this ordinance and the policies of the Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan are applied to the parcel.  Any policy or standard resulting in a decrease in density are then tabulated and subtracted for the maximum density allowed under the slope density formula.

d. Whichever of the 2 resulting densities, from the slope formula and from zoning, the lesser is then established as the maximum allowable density for the parcel.

10.       A slope density analysis shall be required for applications for residential development beyond the first residential unit on parcels which are east of Highway 1 and in a "WSC" (Watershed and Scenic Conservation) or "RDR" (Rural Density Residential) zoning districts.  The analysis shall be required and submitted to the County prior to the application being considered complete.  The slope density analysis shall include the following elements:

a. topographic map of the entire parcel at an appropriate scale and contour interval of 40 feet or less;

b.           table showing the calculation of average cross slope;

c. the resulting maximum allowable number of dwelling units using the following slope density formula:

Existing Slope                             Maximum Allowable Density

Under 15%                                             1 unit/40 acres

15% - 30%                                            1 Unit/80 acres

Over 30%                                               1 Unit/320 acres

11.       In the Big Sur Planning Area west of Highway 1, residential development in "RDR" (Rural Density Residential) and "WSC" (Watershed and Scenic Conservation) zoning districts shall be allowed at a density of 1 unit per 40 acres.

D.        Density of Development Standards.

The maximum density established under this Section shall be utilized as the basis to begin consideration of the density appropriate for development of a specific parcel.  Such established maximum density is not a guarantee of possible development potential of any given property.  Density of development shall ultimately be determined through the permit process, consideration of site conditions on the specific property and of details of the specific development proposal without imposing undue restrictions on private property.  Such considerations may include but are not limited to:

1.            soils;

2.            available supply and priorities for water;

3.            traffic;

4.            sewage disposal;

5.            development design;

6.            known hazards;

            7.            public facilities, such as schools and police and fire facilities;

8.            environmentally sensitive habitat;

9.            archaeological and historical resources;

10.            housing demands of the County;

11.            employment needs;

12.            development of the County's economic climate; and

13.            attainment of State mandated fair share housing.

E.         On-site density for, caretaker quarters, guesthouses, senior citizen units, farm worker housing, farm employee housing facilities, farm employee quarters and employee housing accessory to an allowed use, shall be determined as follows:

   Type of Unit

  North County

  Big Sur Coast

   Carmel Area

     Del Monte Forest

Caretaker Units

Based on parcel zoning

Maximum of 50 in planning areas

Excluded from density

Subject to overall buildout, LUP Table A

Senior Citizen Units

Subject to LUPs overall buildout cap

Not  permitted

Not permitted

Subject to overall buildout, LUP Table A


Excluded from density

Excluded from density

Excluded from density

Excluded from density

Commercial Employee Housing

Subject to LUPs overall buildout cap

Maximum of 300 in planning area

Permitted per Section 20.146.120.B.3

Not permitted

Ranch/Farm Employee/Farm Worker Housing

Based on parcel zoning

Permitted per Section

Excluded from density

Not permitted

All other residential development is subject to the density established by the parcel’s zoning district, except if provided elsewhere in this Chapter.

“Excluded from density” means that the units may be considered in addition to the density allowed by the parcel’s zoning classification.

F.         For the purposes of calculating residential density, employee housing units, including farm employee and farm worker housing facilities, shall be considered a residential unit at the following ratio:

1 unit/850 square feet of floor area.  Where the building contains non-residential uses, such as equipment storage or tack rooms, the calculation of floor area shall not include those non-residential areas.

G.            Buildout Limitations

1.         In North County, a total of 2, 043 new lots or units may be created from the date of certification of the North County Land Use Plan.  Also see build-out explanation and further information in Section 20.144.140.B.3.a. Approval of new residential units and lots may not exceed the build-out figure, as per the development standard.

2.         In Big Sur, a total of 100 new residential lots may be created by new subdivisions and 50 new caretaker units may be permitted from the date of certification of the Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan, as provided in Table 1 of the Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan.

3.         Where this ordinance establishes a numerical cap on a type of unit in a certain area, the Planning and Building Inspection Department shall maintain a running tally of the number of units permitted since certification of the relevant land use plan.  Findings for approval shall include the following:  "This is the (     ) out of a maximum of (   ) (e.g., caretaker units) to be approved for the (     ) Land Use Plan Area.