A.            Purpose:  It is the purpose of this Section to establish requirements to reduce vehicle trips in certain developments by ensuring that new developments, redevelopment, and expansion of existing developments contain the infrastructure and programs needed to reduce the need to travel and to encourage alternative modes of travel.

B.            Applicability:            The provisions of this Section are applicable to all residential developments of 25 or more units and all other Applicable Developments as defined herein.

C.            Definitions:      The following definitions apply to this Section:

1)         Alternative Transportation Mode means any mode of travel that serves as an alternative to the single occupant vehicle including, but not limited to, ridesharing, carpooling, vanpooling, public transit, bicycling, walking, or alternative work modes such as telecommuting.

2)         Applicable Development means any new development project that proposes:

a)           A residential development of 25 or more units; or,

b) A new or expanded commercial, industrial or tourist oriented development which will employ 50 or more persons; or

c) A new or expanded commercial, industrial or tourist oriented development of 25,000 gross square feet or more.

Applicable Development include Complexes exceeding the 50 employee threshold.

3)         Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) means the figure determined by dividing the number of employees (including those telecommuting) at a regulated work site who commute to and from work during the peak period, by the number of vehicles driven by these employees between home and the work site over that five-day period.

4)         Buspool means use of a heavy duty vehicle designed and intended to be occupied by at least 16 passengers, the routing or scheduling for which is arranged between employer(s) and transit operators.

5)         Carpool means the use of a light duty motor vehicle by at least 2 but not more than 6 employees traveling together to work.

6)         Commercial development means a development to serve business, professional, or office purposes.

7)         Complex means any business park, shopping center, or mixed use development under separate or common ownership, which can be identified by two or more of the following characteristics:

a. It is known by a common name given to the project by its developer.

b. It is governed by a common set of covenants, conditions, and restrictions.

c. It was approved, or is to be approved as an entity by the County.

d. It is covered by a single tentative or final subdivision map or has been represented to the County as a single site and development.

e.           It is located on a single assessor's parcel.

f.           It is part of a master plan, community or a specific area plan.

8)         Congestion Management Program (CMP) means the county-wide program developed in accordance with California Government Code Sections 65088 et seq., requiring local jurisdictions and Congestion Management Agencies to adopt and implement a trip reduction and travel demand element.

9)         County means an administrative body or person within the organization structure of the County of Monterey, such as the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Minor Subdivision Committee, Zoning Administrator or Building Official with the power to grant a ministerial or discretionary permit to an Applicable Development.

10)       Developer means the individual or company who is responsible for the planning, design, construction and/or management of an Applicable Development.

11)       Drive Alone Rate means the percentage of employees driving to and from work without a passenger.

12)       Facility(ies) means the total of all buildings, structures and grounds that encompass the development site of an Applicable Development.

13)       Mixed-Use Development means any development project that combines residential uses with any one of these or similar land uses: day care, office, commercial, light industrial, retail, or business park.

14)       Park-and-Ride Lot means a free parking lot located near residential communities or along highways which is served by a transit route or can be used by commuters as a staging area for carpool formation or for catching a bus and/or by visitors as a staging area for tourist shuttle buses.

15)       Parking Cash Out Program means an employer funded, tax-deductible program where the employer provides a cash allowance to an employee that is equivalent to the parking subsidy the employer would otherwise provide.

16)       Parking Management means the comprehensive management of the location, cost and availability of parking to effect changes in travel behavior, trips generated, and transportation mode used.

17)       Permit means a ministerial or discretionary permit from the County for an applicable development.

18)       Site Development Plan means a precise plan of a particular development or permit for an Applicable Development.

19)       Special Event means a seasonal, recurring activity or a singular event which attracts both residents and non-residents to a facility for recreational or other activities.

20)       Special Event Promoter means the applicant who applies for a permit to stage, present, or advertise a special event.

21)       Telecommuting means method(s) of conducting work without leaving one's residence.

22)       Tourist Oriented Development means a development whose purpose is to accommodate, or to sell to, the traveling public, or to promote tourism.

23)       Transportation Demand Management (TDM) means the implementation of programs, plans, pricing, or policies designed to encourage changes in individual travel behavior.

24)       Transportation Management Association (TMA) means a group of employers or others joining together in a formal association with the intent to reduce trips.

25)            Trip means a Vehicle Trip.

26)       Trip Reduction means reducing the number of trips made in single occupant vehicles.

27)       Trip Reduction Checklist means a listing of the TDM methods proposed to be used by developers to reduce trips.

28)       Vanpool means the organization of seven or more persons traveling to and from work in one vehicle.

29)       Vehicle Trip means a point to point journey or trip in one direction utilizing a vehicle.

D.            Regulations:  The following regulations apply to all Applicable Developments:

1.         Developers of all proposed Applicable Developments shall submit a Trip Reduction Checklist as part of the ministerial or discretionary permit application materials for the proposed Applicable Development.  The Checklist and site development shall identify the proposed design elements and facilities that encourage alternative transportation usage by residents, employees and customers of the development.

2.         The County shall consider the nature and size of the development when reviewing the Trip Reduction Checklist.  After review of the Trip Reduction Checklist and site development plans submitted with the application, the County may require, but not be limited to, one or all of the following programs from the developer as a condition of approval of the development:

a. Provide ridesharing, public transportation, and nearby licensed child care facility information to tenants/buyers as part of move-in materials.

b. Print transit scheduling information on all promotional materials.

c. Install bicycle amenities, such as bicycle racks and bicycle lanes (where appropriate), paths and routes, at intermodal connection points.

d. Provide bus pull-outs, pedestrian access, transit stops, shelters and amenities as part of the site plan, as described in the Monterey Salinas Trans­it Development Review Guidebook or subsequent publications.

e. Provide locked and secure transportation information centers or kiosks with bus route and schedule information, as part of common areas in applicable developments.

f. Provide pedestrian facilities linking transit stops and common areas.

g.           Provide financial resources for site amenities that reduce vehicle trips.

h. Provide park-and-ride facilities.

i.           Provide on-site child care facilities.

j. Provide local TDM Improvements defined as shuttle bus services, bus pools or improved transit service as part of the development.

k. Provide facilities such as computers and modems to encourage Telecommuting.

l. Pay Trip Generation Fees with proceeds to go toward provision or transit service, transportation management associations, ridesharing services and other alternative transportation services.

m. Provide mixed land uses designed to reduce the length and number of vehicle trips where permitted by the zoning ordinance.

n.           Provide pedestrian and bicycle system improvements.

o.           Provide transit oriented design or pedestrian oriented design, or both.

p. Provide park-and-ride, public transportation shuttles, and associated marketing to special event ticket purchasers as part of the special event promotion or site or business promotion.

q. Prepare programs and projects to provide alternatives to automobile transportation into Monterey County.

r. Provide alternative transportation from the airport, provide airport information displays, contribute to the marketing of fare promotions of transit service and transit passes, provide concierges as sources of tourist transit promotion, rent bicycles to visitors, provide contribution of funds for implementing rail service to the area, provide transit information displays.

s. Provide educational and marketing strategies designed to induce tourists to reduce their vehicle trips.

t. Provide on-site banking automatic teller machines (ATM's), restaurants, dry cleaners, grocery, and other typically needed services to reduce the need for vehicle trips.  Link these uses with convenient and pedestrian oriented paths.  Provide transit access that allows bus passengers convenient access to uses with a minimum of walking distance.

u. Locate building entrances close to bus stops with access uninterrupted by parking lots, parking aisles, and interior roadways.  Place parking at the rear of the development and the transit stop at the front of the development near the main entrance.

E.            Employee Generation Factors:  The following are the employee generation factors by type of use:

Land Use Category                                       Number of Employees

Commercial (Regional,

Community or Neighborhood)             1/500 gross square feet

Office/Professional                                          1/250 gross square feet

Industrial                                                          1/525 gross square feet

Hotel/Motel                                                   0.8 per room

Mixed use                                                       Sum of individual figures for each use

Restaurant                                                        1 per 10 seats

Hospital/Other Medical                                    1 per 4 beds

Note:            Locally generated data using summer (May-September) figures may be substituted.