MONTEREY COUNTY ZONING COASTAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN - TITLE 20 20.66 – DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 20.66.010 STANDARDS FOR RIDGELINE DEVELOPMENT. A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide standards for those projects which constitute ridgeline development. B. Applicability: The provisions of this section are applicable to all proposed ridgeline development in the County of Monterey. C. Ridgeline development shall require a Coastal Development Permit in each case. D. A Coastal Development Permit for ridgeline development may be approved only if the following findings, based on substantial evidence, may be made: 1. The ridgeline development, as conditioned by permit, will not create a substantially adverse visual impact when viewed from a common public viewing area. 2. No alternative location exists on the subject site which would allow a reasonable development without the potential for ridgeline development. |