A.            Purpose:  The purpose of this Section is to provide the minimum standards for the application and development of farm employee and farm worker housing facilities.

B.            Applicability:  The regulations of this Section are applicable in those zoning districts which allow farm employee and farm worker housing.

C.            Regulations:

1.         Development of farm employee and farm worker housing or additions to or renewal of permits for existing farm labor housing shall require a Coastal Development Permit or a Coastal Administrative Permit.  The Coastal Development Permit application shall include, at a minimum, the following elements:

a.           Entity responsible for housing maintenance and up-keep;

b. Description of whether the housing will be used on a permanent, temporary, and/or seasonal basis;

c. Total number of people to be housed on-site at any one time;

d. Description of the housing, including whether the structures will be permanent and/or temporary, intended as units for families, one person, or several persons, and cost of the units and utilities to the laborers;

e. Location of where the employees will work;

f. Assessment of how much water will be used by the proposed development and description of how water is proposed to be supplied to the housing, including water source location and type, water quality, water quantity, and storage; and,

g. Description of the sewage disposal method, such as septic systems, to be used to service the housing.

2.         Farm employee and farm worker housing shall meet the following criteria, which shall be made conditions of project approval where appropriate:

a. There must be adequate water and sewer available to service the development, as determined by the Director of Environmental Health.

b. In "CAP (CZ)" (Coastal Agricultural Preservation) zoning districts the housing must be located off prime and productive agricultural land, or on a lot where no other alternatives exist on site, on the least viable portion of the lot.

c. In "AC (CZ)" (Agricultural Conservation) zoning districts, the housing must be located off of viable agricultural land.

d. In "LI" (Light Industrial) zoning districts, the housing may be located on any portion of the parcel subject to conformance with the policies of the North County Land Use Plan and standards of this ordinance.

e. The development shall incorporate proper erosion and drainage controls and shall not be located on Critical Erosion Areas.

f. Enclosed storage facilities shall be provided for each housing or dwelling unit.

g. Laundry facilities, including washers and dryers, shall be provided on-site.

h. The housing shall meet the density requirements of the zoning district in which it is to be located.  The minimum parcel size for the establishment of farm labor housing shall be 2.5 acres.

i. Parking shall be provided at the ratio of two spaces per family unit, and/or one space per single person.  Such spaces need not be covered.  The parking areas shall be designated on the approved site plan.

j. The site design of the facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Inspection.

k. The development of 4 or more units shall require inclusion of recreation facilities and open space, proportional to the amount and type of facilities  to be provided.  Inclusion of family units in the facilities shall require children's play equipment.  Adult housing shall require the inclusion of appropriate recreational areas, such as for baseball, basketball, soccer or horseshoe pitching.

l. The development shall be landscaped pursuant to a landscaping plan approved by the Director of Planning and Building Inspection prior to issuance of building permits for the facility.

m. All recreational areas and landscaping shall be installed prior to occupancy of the facilities. Landscaped areas shall be maintained.

D.        All permits for farm employee or farm worker housing shall be conditioned to expire at a time to be specified by the decision making body at the time of permit approval.  Renewal of the permit shall require on-site inspections by the Planning and Building Inspection Department and Health Department, prior to public hearing, to assess compliance with the previous conditions of project approval.

E.         All renewals of permits for existing farm employee or farm worker housing shall be subject to the criteria of this section.  New conditions of project approval shall be applied in order to assure compliance with the criteria where feasible.