Monterey County Planning Commission



Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Monterey County Government Center – Board of Supervisors Chambers

168 W. Alisal Street

Salinas, CA 93901

9:00 a.m.


Chair:    Luther Hert              Vice-Chair:    Martha Diehl               Secretary:  Mike Novo


                        Paul C. Getzelman                              Cosme Padilla

                        Jay Brown                                           Aurelio Salazar, Jr

                        Amy Roberts                                       Jose Mendez

                        Luther Hert                                         Martha Diehl

                        Don Rochester                                    Keith Vandevere




A.        ROLL CALL












1.         9:00 AM - Mcgill Patrick/Lisa Mcgill TRS - PLN140251

            Project Planner:  Steve Mason.  Project Location:  24610 Castro Ln, Carmel.  Assessor’s Parcel No(s):  009‑091‑012‑000; 009‑091‑019‑000; 009‑091‑020‑000; 009‑101‑025‑000.  Permit Type:  Lot Line Adjustment.  Planning Area:  Carmel LUP, Coastal Zone.  Environmental Status:  Categorical Exemption.  Project Description:  Coastal Development Permit to allow a Lot Line Adjustment (merger) of four (4) legal lots of record of approximately 0.23 acres (Assessor's Parcel Number 009‑091‑012‑000), 0.03 acres (APN 009‑091‑019‑000), 0.02 acres (APN 009‑091‑020‑000) and 0.06 acres (APN 009‑101‑025‑000) to result in one lot of approximately 0.34 acres.  Recommended Action:  Approve Project


2.         9:00 AM - Midnight Sun Inc II - PLN120801

            Project Planner:  Steve Mason.  Project Location:  15875 Blackie Rd, Salinas.  Assessor’s Parcel No(s):  133‑012‑001‑000.  Permit Type:  Combined Development Permit.  Planning Area:  North County LCP.  Environmental Status:  Mitigated Negative Declaration.  Project Description:  Coastal Development Permit for Erosion Control Plan and Restoration Plan to correct a violation (Code Enforcement case 11CE00301) for non‑permitted grading and vegetation removal.  Project to include re‑contouring, re‑vegetation, bank stabilization and agricultural drainage modifications.  Recommended Action:  Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration with the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Plan and Approve Project.


3.         9:00 AM - Pebble Beach Company (Del Monte Forest Conservancy) - PLN140148

            Project Planner:  Steve Mason.  Project Location:  1153 The Dunes, Pebble Beach.  Assessor’s Parcel No(s):  007‑381‑009‑000, 007‑391‑021‑000, 008‑021‑010‑000, 008-021-011-000.  Permit Type:  Combined Development Permit.  Planning Area:  Del Monte Forest LUP.  Environmental Status:  Statutory Exemption.  Project Description:  CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 29, 2014.  Combined Development Permit consisting of:  1) Coastal Development Permit (Lot Line Adjustment) to adjust the configuration of three lots (APN 007‑381‑009‑000 (approximately 8.5 acres), APN 007‑391‑021‑000 (approx. 9 ac.), and APN 008‑021‑008‑000) to create three lots with the following areas respectively: 17.5 acres, 20 acres, and one acre; and 2) Coastal Development Permit to allow development within 100 feet of environmentally sensitive habitat.  Recommended Action:  Deny Project


4.         9:00 AM - Caddell Michael A/Chapman Cynthia B - PLN140737

            Project Planner:  Daniel Lister.   Project Location:  2337 Bay View Ave, Carmel.  Assessor’s Parcel No(s):  009-422-007-000.  Planning Area:  Carmel LUP.  Environmental Status:  Categorical Exemption.  Project Description:  CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 29, 2014.  An ordinance to amend Section 20-16 of the Sectional District Maps of Section 20.08.060 of Title 20 (Monterey County Coastal Implementation Plan – Part 1) of the Monterey County Code to rezone a 0.18 acre parcel (Assessor’s Parcel Number 009-422-007-000) from the “MDR/2-D (18) (CZ)” [Medium Density Residential, 2 units per acre with a Design Control Overlay and 18 foot Height Restriction (Coastal Zone)] zoning classification to the “MDR/2-D-HR (18) (CZ)”  [Medium Density Residential, 2 units per acre with a Design Control and Historic Resources Overlay and 18 foot Height Restriction (Coastal Zone)] zoning classification.  Recommended Action:  Recommend Adoption to the Board of Supervisors.


5.         9:30 AM - County Of Monterey - Archaeological Resources Standards Status Report - REF110065

            Project Planner:  Craig Spencer.  Environmental Status:   Categorical Exemption  Project Description:  CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 8, 2014.  Ordinance to amend Section 21.66.050 (Archaeological Resources Standards) of Title 21 (non-coastal zoning) of the Monterey County Code to establish new policies and procedures for the protection of archaeological resources and amend Title 2 of the Monterey County Code to add Chapter 2.95 to establish a Native Californian Advisory Panel consistent with 2010 General Plan Goals OS‑6 and OS‑8.  Recommended Action:  Receive Status Report and continue the hearing to December 10, 2014


6.         10:30 AM - County of Monterey - Revisions to Monterey County Code Chapter 10.60 (Noise Control) – Nighttime Noise Workshop - REF140008

            Project Planners:  Martin Carver and Jacqueline R. Onciano.  Permit Type:  Ordinance.  Planning Area:  Countywide.  Environmental Status:  Statutory Exemption. .  Project Description:  Conduct a public workshop on the development of an ordinance amending Chapter 10.60 of the Monterey County Code to add regulations for the control of nighttime noise.  Recommended Action:  Conduct workshop and provide direction to staff.


7.         1:30 PM - Bollenbacher & Kelton Inc (Ferrini Ranch Subdivision)- PLN040758

            Project Planner:  David Mack.  Project Location:  715 Monterey Salinas Hwy, Salinas.  Assessor’s Parcel No(s):  161‑011‑019‑000, 161‑011‑030‑000, 161‑011‑039‑000, 161‑011‑057‑000,161‑011‑058‑000, 161‑011‑059‑000, 161‑011‑078‑000, 161‑031‑016‑000, and 161‑031‑017‑000.  Permit Type:  Standard Subdivision.  Planning Area:  Toro.  Environmental Status:  Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  Project Description:  CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 29, 2014.  Combined Development Permit consisting of: 1) Standard Subdivision Vesting Tentative Map for the subdivision of approximately 870 acres to into 212 lots including 146 market rate single family residential lots, 23 clustered market rate residential lots and 43 lots for Inclusionary Housing units; three Open Space parcels of approximately 600 acres (Parcels A, B, & C), and one agricultural-industrial parcel (Parcel D) for the future development of a gateway/visitor center for the River Road Wine Corridor; 2) Use Permit for removal of up to 921 protected Oak trees; 3) Use Permit for development on slopes exceeding 30 percent; a General Plan Amendment to amend the land use designation of one parcel (Parcel D) from Low Density Residential to Agricultural Industrial; and an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance changing Parcel D from LDR/2.5-VS (Low Density Residential, 2.5 acres/unit with Visual Sensitivity) to AI-VS (Agricultural Industrial with Visual Sensitivity).  Recommended Action:  Recommend approval of the Reduced Density Alternative 5 (185units) and denial of the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments to the Board of Supervisors








The Recommended Action indicates the staff recommendation at the time the agenda was prepared.  That recommendation does not limit the Planning Commission’s alternative actions on any matter before it.


BREAKS will be taken approximately at 10:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.


DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION:  Documents relating to agenda items that are distributed to the Planning Commission less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for public inspection at the front counter of the Resource Management Agency – Planning and Building Services Departments, Monterey County Government Center , 168 W. Alisal Street, 2nd Floor, Salinas, CA.  Documents distributed by County staff at the meeting of the Planning Commission will be available at the meeting.


If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC Sec. 12132)  and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof.  For information regarding how, to whom and when a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting may make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation including auxiliary aids or services or if you have any questions about any of the items listed on this agenda, please call the Monterey County Resource Management Agency - Planning Department at (831) 755-5025.


All documents submitted by the public on the day of the hearing should have no fewer than 16 copies.

The Planning Commission Clerk must receive all materials for the agenda packet by noon on the Tuesday one week prior to the Wednesday Planning Commission meeting in order for the materials to be included in the agenda packet distributed in advance to the Commission.